
  • a large white building sitting on top of a lush green hillside
    Hotels,  America,  Asia,  Europe

    The first Grand Hotel in the world

    A revolution in the hotel industry On January 25, 1774, over 250 years ago, the very first “Grand Hotel” in the world opened its doors in London. This pioneering establishment, founded by the resourceful wigmaker David Low, ushered in a new era of luxurious travel and changed the hotel industry forever. From lice to luxury Until the 18th century, traveling was often an unpleasant affair. Inns and hostelries were notorious for their lack of hygiene, vermin and uncomfortable accommodation. Low, a barber who heard the complaints of his wealthy clientele about these shortcomings, recognized a business opportunity. He rented a former aristocratic palace at 43 King Street in Covent Garden…